Volkswagen AG

Diese Internet-Seite ist nicht kommerziell und steht in keiner Verbindung zum Volkswagen-Werk oder zur Volkswagen AG. VW, Volkswagen und das VW-Zeichen sind eingetragene Warenzeichen der Volkswagen AG.

das Kind im Manne.......

Den tollen T1 von Lego konnten wir uns das natürlich nicht entgehen lassen.

Hat richtig Laune gemacht das Teil zu bauen.......schön vor dem Kaminofen......was will das Männerherz mehr????

1 Kommentar:

  1. vw horsepower chip A great deal of research and design goes into making the VW horse chip, and that effort pays off in a safer, more efficient car that responds efficiently every time you step on the accelerator. The improved service that the chip provides is all in the programming that the chip brings to your vehicle, updating its electronic parts, improving the electronic ignition system and helping the engine to last longer. When your ignition system is firing more efficiently, you burn fuel more efficiently, which means more of your fuel is transformed into power, and less is released as exhaust and excess engine heat. Your exhaust will burn cleaner, too, which makes your Volkswagen all the more ecologically sound.
